Bots · 2016-09-28

‘MessengerChimp’ sends direct newsletters from Website to Facebook users – #bots

messengerchimpYour businesses’ potential clients are moving their Online engagement more & more towards social & messaging platforms, & away from the more traditional email marketing route. MessengerChimp is a platform for acquiring Facebook & Messenger users by signing them up for Messenger newsletters instead of email newsletters.

Email-based promotional marketing campaigns may as well be on their way out. They tend not to foster the long term brand-consumer relationships they once did as consumers demand more one-on-one engagement with the businesses they buy their products & services from.

Newsletters are still a viable way to get info to your potential clients as they contain a wealth of info, company news & “how to” articles. However, consumers are weary of receiving emails, with businesses consistently bombarding users with them, causing consumers to deploy filters & spam blockers.

MessengerChimp aims to build long-term relationships with customers by eschewing email marketing altogether & taking your newsletters where potential customers are actually doing stuff – Facebook & Messenger. The service works by logging you on to a boarding portal where you can create a customizable sign-up form which can then easily be added to your Site.

When people visit your Website they will see a pop-up which will offer them the possibility of signing up to receive your newsletter in Messenger. You can use the boarding portal to create rich newsletters & to schedule delivery to your leads at fixed intervals.

MindIQ Solutions is the Bangalore, India-based startup behind MessengerChimp. The company’s stated aim is to provide a complete chat bot builder platform to easily onboard businesses to messaging channels. They claim that by using MessengerChimp as well as its complementary services, a business can build an AI-powered chat bot in 5 minutes, without coding or in-depth knowledge about app building or AI.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –  
Image Credit: MindIQ Solutions 




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