Mobile · 2016-12-20

‘Looksy’ – for ‘live’ video chat on your iPhone or iPad

live chat on iOS

If you’re a user of Apple iOS devices then you might be familiar with their iMessage chat platform. Looksy is a new app that seeks to take advantage of functionality recently announced by Apple to let you switch to ‘live’ video from inside an iMessage chat, without having to start up Facetime.

While iMessage lets you send text & interchange videos, photos & other types of documents, as well as send group messages & contact info, you need to establish an independent session with a video chat app like Facetime or Skype to actually talk to someone.

The new app is ideal when you’re texting someone in a synchronous manner,& the fancy strikes you to quickly switch to an actual conversation. Actually, quite often it’s actually easier to talk than to type.

With Looksy you can show someone your physical surroundings, so they’ll know where you’re at & what you’re looking at. The fre  app comes with high quality audio & video & is optimized for low battery usage. You can also pause the video & audio stream at any time with just a tap.

Click here to download Looksy on your iOS device.

- This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review. - 

Image Credit: Looksy



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