Web · 2016-06-17

Add a real time user counter to your Site

website counter

Website visitors counters are not a new phenomena. ‘Real Time Users’ is JS tool that shows you how popular your Site is. In cold numbers. You can add a real time user counter to your Site in just 60 seconds. Imagine visiting your Site anytime & being greeted by the count showing how many people are currently viewing it?

Real Time Users literary exposes you to the truth of your Site’s popularity. It also provides a leader-board that tracks who does. The tool as it is still in its infancy. It’s for visitors rather than to record the number of visits. This means if you refresh the page of a Site there is no increment recorded on the counter. This is because it has already recorded you as already been logged in.

To install Real Time Users, you simply add the counter element where you would like it to display. This is added using a script tag which will help with all the display. The script tag is simple:

<div class=“realtimeuserscounter realtimeuserscounter—styled”></div>

<script src=https://realtimeusers.bycontrast.co/realtimeusers.js></script>

This tool comes either in plain or styled versions. The styling can be easily removed by removing the “realtimeusers—styled” class from the counter element.

Real Time Users was developed by Fred Rivet & Mike Gatward as a side project after a tweet by another developer on some form of user facing site inspired them. It was launched in June 2016 within 1 weekend after coming up with the idea. Fred & Mike are also the owners of We Are Contrast.


– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –  
Image Credit: Real Time User
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