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Take back control of your Inbox with this software

spam mail

Spammers, beware, is what these guys are shouting from the rooftops. Surely you know the feeling when you open up your Inbox & there’s a clutter of 250 emails. Your important messages are buried, & it takes you forever to sort out the ones from your work or friends. You’re just drowning in coupons from shoe merchants, offers from financial advisors or travel deal specialists & newsletters from the society of amateur birdwatchers. You have neither the time, nor the energy to unsubscribe from all these ‘Unwanteds’.

You just wish you could say, “to h^%$ with you” to such spammers. The aptly named Throttle allows you to control who gets to send stuff to your Inbox. It stops your email address from being available easily, locates spammers, & as for the messages you want to read later, it combines them neatly into a single mass digest that you can schedule to read at your leisure.

Once you’ve signed up with Throttle, a browser button gets added to all your email form fields. You then gain a unique email address & instead of being bombarded with hundreds of messages, you get to choose what you want to read in your Inbox.

That’s not all that Throttle does; it really means business. When you are sure you don’t want to read any more of those annoying college buddies newsletters, you can revoke access. They won’t be able to send you any more mail.

The software works fast and efficiently, say the makers.

Here’s what the other features are:

What if you are on the other side of the gate? What if you are an email marketer? You have a special pass to the whitelisters. That means you know that your email will be delivered to the person who actually wants to read it, thus increasing conversion rates and 100% deliverability with Throttle users.

The Virginia, USA based company, Mindsense are the makers of Throttle. Alexander Obenauer, CEO of the company had previously developed the app Mailpilot, “which became the #1 paid app in the entire Mac App Store within hours of its debut”.


– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –
Image Credit: Mindsense
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