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So who or what is Algolia? – Quick news

No clue? Quick tip: Google? Still no idea? Well, okay, ‘Algolia’ is a new search engine. Now, now, before you yawn & switch off, let us tell you it’s the hottest thing being discussed in Europe & elsewhere these days. It’s different, & not you average search engine.

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Algolia is not based on traditional search solutions like Google, Lucene or Solr. Algolia was built from the ground up for searching through semi-structured data to power user-facing search.

Specifically, it is in the business of helping people search through a company’s Online product catalog. Ah, now we caught your interest, right?

Founded in 2012 in Paris, it has already raised a total of US $74 million. Experts say Algolia will change search as we know it. In a nutshell, it is a search engine for Enterprise.

It boasts of many features. But Algolia’s personalization feature creates relevance tuned specifically for each user. For example, teenagers searching for “Grand Theft Auto” might be looking for game strategies; mothers searching the same want to know if the game is appropriate for their kids. Personalization allows you to “boost” results that might be subjectively more in line with a particular user’s tastes.

Head over here to learn more.


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