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So what’s under the hood of Microsoft Surface Hub 2 system – Device

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, Digital World Native.

Microsoft is ready to start shipping its new conferencing system, the Microsoft Surface Hub 2. The company made the revelation today about the specs, pricing & the availability dates for the system.

According to a statement, the Surface Hub 2 will be available June & is expected to ship in 2 phases (it’s complicated). The Microsoft Surface Hub 2S hardware will not be running on the latest software & services. That is expected to be released with the Surface Hub 2X next year which will feature an updated OS core & some new features. However, users who purchase the 2S now will be able to install updates later on when the 2X hit the market, too.

Recall that Microsoft had unveiled the Surface Hub in 2015. However, the virtual whiteboard had some obvious hardware & software limitations as at the time of its release. Not only was it bulky & hard to move around, but it also lacked the GPU capability needed to conveniently deliver with optimal machine learning capabilities.

The newly released Microsoft Surface Hub 2 is designed to address many of the limitations of the original device & more. It features an improved hardware design that fosters easy transportation & installation as well as more seamless integration with software & applications. The Surface Hub 2S features an 8th Generation Core i5 processor. While Microsoft promised 2 size varieties for the Hub 2S, only the 50-inch size will be shipping soon while the larger 85-inch model will be ready for testing by the first quarter of next year.

The Microsoft Surface Hub 2 is a multi-touch system which comes with a whiteboard application with features such as intelligent ink, in-built Bing-search, & so on. Dynamic collaboration is one of the major strong points of this system as it allows various users to seamlessly share their whiteboards across different Windows 10, Android & iOS devices to the screen. Microsoft also added 4K cameras, speakers & far-field mic arrays into the device thus giving it video conferencing capability that is “true to scale.”

While the Hub 2S is built to be used in both landscape & portrait modes, smooth rotation between the 2 modes will be arriving with updates expected with release of the 2X.  Another feature that is expected to come with the 2X is the possibility of tiling up 4 of these devices alongside each other.

Image Credit: Microsoft


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