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“Pixelup” Enhances Old Photos and Makes Them Look Fresh – AI startup

If you have old photos or videos that are washed out, blurred or damaged, you can enhance them and make them look as good as new with the Pixelup AI app. The app uses AI to detect flaws in an image and “fixes” those issues.

Users can upload any image to the app that they wish to enhance. If they don’t have a digital photo, they can use their phone’s camera to take a picture of “a picture”. Pixelup promises to turn damaged or blurred images into clear HD quality images that display perfect facial features even if users zoom in close.

One of the most useful tools available on Pixelup is the colorizer. With a tap, users can turn any black and white image into a colorful, high-quality version. This feature is particularly useful for old images that were shot before color photography was introduced.

Pixelup can do much more than simply enhance images; it can also assist users in creating avatars of themselves or others. Users can have fun with this feature and liven up their social media presence with cute digital versions of themselves.

Additionally, Pixelup’s AI can animate still images. Once users have used the enhancement tools available on the app to perfect their old photos, they can turn them into real-life imitating videos.

As soon as users have their images looking good, they can share them across the Net or download them to their device to print.

Pixelup is free to download from the Apple App and Google Play Stores. Users can use the basic tools on the app free of charge. However, if users need to use the advanced and AI tools they need to select one of the subscription options available. Weekly, monthly, tri-monthly, annual and lifetime plans are also available.

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