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Hackers can have a go at IoT devices at this year’s Def Con contest

This report was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things

At this year’s Def Con hacker convention in the US, hackers will get a chance to have a go at Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

One of the world’s largest hacker conventions, this year’s edition, Def Con 23, will host a ‘IoT Village’, a place to debate and give hackers a chance to hack into IoT devices. The event is organised by security and research firm, Independent Security Evaluators (ISE), a company that ran a router hacking contest called ‘SOHOpelessly Broken’ at the same conference last year. Going by its popularity, ISE had decided to extend the competition this time to all IoT devices.

The contest will surround the public open hacking of off-the-shelf devices from popular manufacturers. The contest will have four tracks:


The workshop will be facilitated by security researchers and consultants at ISE. The workshop will give ‘live’ demonstrations on how to hack off-the-shelf devices within the IoT. This will also serve as an opportunity for contestants to bring in their own IoT devices and demonstrate exploits to the experts panel. Contestants will need to provide proof that they disclosed the vulnerability to the vendor.

White Papers

The call for papers for IoT Village at DEF CON 23 was now open. Papers are to be related to the IoT security world and can place special emphasis on any of the following topics:

Raiding Internet of Things – Show how secure (or insecure) IP enabled embedded systems are. Routers, network storage systems, cameras, HVAC systems, refrigerators, medical devices, smart cars, smart home technology, and TVs.

IoT Device Management – Discuss best practices for deploying and building security into IoT devices.

Anything else awesome that involves IoT devices.

The deadline to submit the papers was May 26.

Def Con is one of the oldest hacking conventions, having started in 1993. This year, the event was scheduled to take place between August 6-9.

You may also want to read: Women in Technology International and IBM launch virtual IoT hackathon



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