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Google updates “About This Result” panel – News

Starting today, when you visit the Google About This Result panel — the three dots next to most results — you’ll get even more information about your results to help you make sense of the information & figure out which result will be most useful.

Google announced this on its official blog.

Explaining how search work, Google explained that with the vast amount of information available on the Web, it would be nearly impossible to find what you need without some help sorting through it. Google’s Search systems are designed to do just that: sort through hundreds of billions of Webpages to find the most relevant & reliable results, & present them in a helpful way. 

The way Google determines what is relevant & reliable information for a given query is based on a lot of different factors. While it can seem complex, some of these fundamental concepts are actually quite simple, & can be useful for people to understand when they start searching.

Starting today, About This Result will show searchers information about some of these most important factors used by Google Search to connect results to their queries. Because just as these factors help Google decide if a result may be relevant, they may also help people decide what result is useful for them.

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