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Facebook releases AI Habitat Simulator to development community – AI

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

Complex algorithms are required to train artificial intelligence (AI) devices. That, of course, is the aim of AI — to produce a robotic device as similar to a human as possible.

However, this is far from simple. It requires specialized research, robot training systems, & dedicated scientists to even begin to make an inroad — a machine must be able to perform, based on human requests, such as being able to navigate to a specific room in a house when asked by a human to ‘‘go fetch my glasses from the bedroom”.

To facilitate this process Facebook developers have created a ‘‘real world” simulation environment, which they’ve named AI Habitat  The simulator is state-of-the-art, & is much more advanced than anything previously seen. Moreover, Facebook has not only released AI Habitat to all of the development community, but it has also made the API, which includes Replica (a powerful ‘reality’ reproduction dataset), available.

The simulator is unique in a number of ways:

The platform, not only works with Facebook’s Replica, it also integrates with other embodied robot trainers such as Gibson & Matterport3D  which makes it super-versatile & useful to the development community at large.

Habitat-Sim, the simulator arm, renders the virtual environment for training at phenomenal speeds. While previous similar platforms worked at 100 FPS(Frames Per Second), the Facebook version reacts at 1000FPS, or 10 x faster.

AI Habitat’s software, vended as the Habitat-API, simplifies & standardizes training & the evaluation of embodied robots, performing navigation or natural language interactions.

The platform’s 3rd layer permits specific evaluation of tasks enacted by the robots in a comparative mode, allowing evaluation of tasks performed in differing environments or according to alternate stimuli.

These tools, all of which are available to the development community, should stimulate robust research & find answers to AI’s most pressing difficulties. With multiple inputs coming in, & with the best scientific minds applying themselves to solving current problems, AI should see a leap in development, hereunto unseen.

Image Credit: Facebook


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