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‘MessagePath’ – messaging management for business – #Startups

effective communications

Effective communications is very important across all business components such as marketing & sales. Choosing your words right isn’t always easy. But it is a choice you inevitably have to make on a daily basis especially when you do business since you have to write & send messages regularly. To make it a lot easier, you may need an assistant.

‘MessagePath’ is a writing assistant tailor-made for business. It is a message management system which helps you to find & write the right words when sending messages. It not only makes communication effective but also well branded & within limits that can be considered legally safe.Thus, this app claims to help effective communications in businesses.

The app gives you immediate feedback on your business write-ups & is continuously updated with the latest practices from all aspects of the business which serves as a standard for writing more successful messages. You get real-time metrics & a list of things to fix within your write-up to add value to it.

MessagePath’s spam filter feature checks through your work for spam. It also scans for phrases that can potentially weaken your marketing pitch & checks the tone of your messages giving quality insight that will help to improve its impact on the reader so that your business messages are more effective than ever.

Apart from checking your communication for phrases & words that weaken it, messagepath also scans for words that are problematic or of potential legal risk. This helps to increase internal efficiency & cut costs since ineffective communication has been proven to cause losses running up to US $11,000 per year per employee.

You can add messagepath as an add-on to your Chrome browser. This makes it possible to check your emails, tweets & messages sent to platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, or Zebdesk or anywhere else you write on the Web. Mac users can also install the app on their computers.



– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review –


Image Credit: messagepath 

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