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ConTech? Is that even a thing?

This article has been written by this Website’s editor Sorab Ghaswalla. These are his personal views, & this Website may or may not agree with them.

By now, it has become abundantly clear that:

(a) content is not what it used to be even 10 years ago

(b) technology has come to play a major role in the creation, distribution and measurement of content.

Content has come to mean many things in the world we live in. This generic word covers many forms and formats. From text to visuals, from marketing to advertising to data. Everything’s about content now.

Today, the word (digital) technology is associated with many business activities such as advertising, marketing and sales. So there’s MarTech, AdTech, and even SalesTech.

The obvious definition of these terms….. when the activities of marketing, sales or advertising get coupled with technology in their planning and execution.

So why not content? There’s no phrase called ‘ConTech’ yet, a mix of content & technology which is surprising. So this newsletter, ‘All About Content’ and its author take the lead in coining it. Over the coming months, subscribers will find it being used often, here and across various channels like social media.

Which may damn me to content hell by the purists. But let’s face it, one can no longer turn a blind eye to what’s happening around us; content and technology are soulmates today.

There could be a doubt on which is driving which. Is tech driving content, or is it the other way around? For everybody’s sanity, let’s just say tech is used for the creation, distribution and measurement of content, just like in marketing and advertising, and leave it at that.

For comprehension’s sake, the use of digital tech in content can be neatly compartmentalized into two: for the actual creation, and then, its marketing. The first incursion of tech in content creation was when the desktop permeated our lives, pushing the humble typewriter out the window (pun unintended). Once users took a bite of the apple (pun unintended), their hunger grew even more.

We discovered the worlds of alt+ctrl+shift and ‘delete’, and both, the typewriter and the correction fluid pen became obsolete technology.

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