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‘Brisby’ is a bot that helps you out on communication platform Slack


Have you ever wanted to get help quickly in a messaging platform like Slack, only to have to wait until someone with the right knowledge comes along with the right answer (if you’re lucky)? And if you’re the person tasked with answering these same questions over & over again, you may grow fidgety & quite frankly, your time can be better employed elsewhere. Brisby can be the answer, as it can be used to automate the answering of questions in a Slack team environment.

Slack already has a multitude of bots available, which can be used for things like automating common tasks (Howdy), gathering & providing team analytics (Statsbot), schedule meetings & manage calendars (Meekan), automate project reports (Nikanot) & a lot more. Providing help via an interactive chat, however has been really tough. At most people have employed the programmable ‘Slackbot’ employing a lot of effort & getting mixed results.  Slackbot can give canned responses to specific keywords that it detects & little more.

Brisby, on the other hand, is a lot easier to use & has a lot more smarts than Slackbot. As new members join your Slack team, they may have some questions that are raised often. Brisby helps you answer them so you don’t have to. Brisby can be taught by asking questions & then providing answers. Then, if somebody asks that question again, Brisby steps in to give the right answer.

According to a post elsewhere by Tom Wu, CTO of Emissary, who appears to be involved in Brisby development, with Brisby’s bot you get a knowledge management tool for your Slack team in which you can store answers to commonly asked questions. Currently, it supports simple multi-step tutorial how-to & what/where-type questions, but in future other topics will be addressed, like “questions for the CEO” & other topics.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. -
Image Credit: Brisby
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