Web · 2018-01-11

With ‘Docusaurus’ you can maintain Website’s documentation without lot of cost & effort – #Startups

‘Docusaurus’ is a free, open-source platform that helps you create professional & easy to use & maintain documentation for your project or Website. You can use simple ‘Markdown’ to write docs & blog posts & Docusaurus will convert them to static HTML files, then publish & serve them.

By using React, the popular UI JavaScript library, this new startup can extend or customize your project’s layout, It provides support for writing pages as React components inside the Website/pages folder, this way sharing the same styles, header, & footer as the rest of the site.

Localization comes pre-configured with Docusaurus & uses Crowdin to translate docs to 70+ languages. Crowdin is used in 62,000+ projects by top brands around the world & integrates nicely with development environments, providing custom translation workflows.

Versioning is done through a provided script which cuts a new documentation version which is based on the latest content in the docs folder. That documentation set gets preserved and will be accessible, even as contents of the docs folder changes & moves forward.

Searching is also pretty easy with the use of Algolia documentation search platform. This makes it easy for your community to easily find what they need even when there are large volumes of docs.

You can get Docusaurus for free on GitHub here. This new startup is free & open source, so you can build from source & contribute to the development of the project. Setup is easy & you don’t have to worry about Site design.

Docusaurus is a project from Facebook Open Source, located in Menlo Park, California, USA, which is devoted to “Everything from UI frameworks to PHP virtual machines to 3D camera hardware.” They’re actively developing such popular projects as React Native for Android & iOS, redex, buck, rebound… for Android, ComponentKit , Shimmer… for iOS, & React, Parse Server, Flux… for Web environments. 


– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review –
Image Credit: Docusaurus

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… we seek a favor. Online advertising revenues are falling, especially for media Sites. Also, as you may have realized, unlike many media & publishing organizations, we haven’t put up a paywall – we firmly believe that information, including our content must be accessible by all across the globe. But content takes a time & money to produce. If you’ve read the above piece & liked it, we urge you to contribute in our support.





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