Web · 2016-04-14

Use cool text effects all over the Web

Use cool text effects all over the Web


Maybe you like using text effects on Twitter, Facebook & other colorless text-only platforms. It’s your way of rebelling. As well, it’s a fun way to express yourself. It’s Unicode text magic which lets you style your text on your social media platforms like Facebook, Gmail, Slack, or Twitter.

With Yaytext, you can style your words anywhere on the Web. Available styles include ‘Strikethrough’, ‘Slash’, ‘Underline’, ‘Arrows’, ‘Upside Down Text’, ‘Small Caps’, ‘Smiley Face’, ‘Bubble Text’, ‘Bold’, ‘Gothic Text’, & more, according to developer, Adam Varga.

Varga is based in New York, USA, & has a background in Web development & software engineering.

Image Credit: Yaytext



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