Web · 2016-04-23

Surf.co aggregates user curated media files so you can “follow your obsessions”

surfThis new Site lets its users create boards with collections of links to video files, Gifs & other types of Online Content from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. The boards are searchable & are composed of an eclectic variety of topics like: sound effects, ladies in electronic music, animals holding knives & Gif of the day.

The media in the collections is simply linked to, so you wind up using the source Site for consumption. You’re also able to connect to these media Sites to automatically populate the boards with updated Content, including new media that shows up on podcasts.  Some of the sites that Surf.co connects with to get Content automatically are: YouTube, Spotify, Reddit, Giphy & SoundCloud.  This way you can keep your boards’ collections automatically updated with an artist’s new releases on SoundCloud or new videos as they are posted on YouTube or Reddit.

This startup has been launched by Atlanta, USA-based Turner Broadcasting & its digital media venture Super Deluxe. The Super Deluxe unit originally produced comedy video for Turner as well as the Adult Swim site & is now an online video incubator which has been producing original Content for other media sites such as Facebook & YouTube.

The new Surf.co site also contains a board with Super Deluxe Content, so it’s also a direct outlet for new original material from Turner. There are some interesting curated celebrity video boards, one of them featuring a well-known Comedy Central comedian.

The new site holds promise because of its innovative take on curated Content gathering. As the Super Deluxe’s Website says in their mission statement: Funny & smart videos from funny & smart weirdos who are probably a lot like you. Shorts, series, animations & a smattering of documentaries & music. Plus apps, Sites & games.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –
Image Credit: Surf.co



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