Resources / Web · 2016-09-17

Manage your Chrome’s tabs with ‘Toby’


Managing your browser’s tabs has never been made easier. With ‘Toby’, the new free chrome extension, you can easily access all of your Sites using just a single click. Toby enables you to keep track of your open tabs which otherwise would be quite cumbersome. This extension does this by allowing you to organize these tabs into easy to digest visual lists based on source, subject or even color.

With a single click or by use of the on-page drag & drop menu you get to manage tabs in a way that matches your workflow. According to its developers, Toby is a client side only app. Hence, it doesn’t send any of your info to their servers. However, it uses 3rd party software for analytics where they send meta-data anonymously. As it developers claim, they only count how many times Toby was used in general. That is how many times a tab was added or removed, a list was added or removed or a card was clicked. In addition, this extension uses google analytics for your Site.

In addition, you can use Toby without having it in a new tab. Therefore, it will not open tabs from inside the context menu next to your URL bar. When you install Toby, it will use your new tab. If you want to use something else as a new tab you can still use this extension by; clicking the Toby icon & open the dashboard by selecting the “open Toby” button. Then you can see all your lists. This allows you to still use your default new tab while you still use the extension.

This extension solves for you the problem of bookmark folders every time doing ‘open all in new window’. Hence, this extension will be integrated to every new chrome tab you open. This is a Chrome new tab extension that has an API for other extensions to inject widgets from other extensions.

Toby is made by Mack Flarelle & Arthur Camara & was developed by Axiom Zen, which is among Canada’s most innovative companies.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. – 

Image Credit: Toby



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