Internet related News · 2015-11-13

Bing releases mobile-friendliness test tool

Microsoft has released the general availability of the Bing Webmaster Mobile Friendliness Test tool which allows Web masters to validate their Site’s pages for mobile-device compatibility.

Some months ago, Bing had talked about some of the factors that its algorithm took into account to determine whether a page was “mobile friendly” or not. These includes factors such as readability & navigation. But starting Nov 12, 2015, Microsoft announced the general availability of this Bing too.

An official blog post has explained how certain factors impacted a Website. Here are some excerpts:

You can find the Bing Mobile Friendliness Test Tool in Bing Webmaster Tools under Tools & Diagnostics or navigate to it directly using this link.The Mobile Friendliness Test tool runs checks on all of these key factors and additionally checks for and reports on resources that are needed to analyze the page fully but that we weren’t able to crawl due to robots.txt constraints. This way rendering issues (as seen in the page preview) can be fixed by webmasters by updating robots.txt in such a way that Bing can accurately determine the mobile-friendliness of the sites.

When you submit the URL of a page to be analyzed to the Mobile Friendliness Test tool, our Bing Mobile crawler fetches and renders the page, extracting important features that are used by the tool to determine how the page performs against each of the above factors. The outcomes are then aggregated into a consolidated mobile-friendliness verdict for the page.On the other hand, when a page fails to meet one of these criteria, the verdict provides detailed information on the failure.



Image Credit; Bing blog




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