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Attn IoT developers: Sigfox launches service to encourage cos to adopt its tech – IoT

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

French IoT company Sigfox has launched a service to help make connected products that use its network easier and faster.

Called ‘Sens’It Discovery’, it’s intended to let various industries experiment with Internet of Things (IoT) experiences. The idea is to gently encourage companies to incorporate more of the SIGFOX technology into their basic operations.

Sens’It Discovery offers end-to-end solutions, including the ‘Sens’it 3’, an IoT device that that weighs less than 2 ounces and has sensors that detect things like temperature, light, motion, humidity, vibration, and magnets. It can then send data remotely using the Sigfox’s communications system.

After connecting, ‘Sens’it 3’ can monitor data through the company’s Cloud, and then displays the data via the application. operates a low-powered communications network geared toward sending tiny packets of information using basic radio technologies.

Sens’it can be used as a devkit. Whether you are a digital or embedded software developer, or simply curious about IoT and Sigfox, you will find all the information you need on Sigfox Build. The Sens’it device is also available for white-labeling. Simply add your firmware and customize the front panel to make your own solution on this off‑the‑shelf, powerful and certified device.

Image Credit: SIGFOX


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