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Cover your naked domain with a security layer – #Startups

As a rule of thumb in today’s business world companies have to have a Website. Managing a Site, though, can become a bother. You need to be concerned with its security, encryption, etc.

If you have a “naked” domain, no need to fret now. There are ways of dealing with it –  one way is to transfer the domain, while another is to change either the PaaS or the DNS provider. This, of course, involves some very complex steps & of course, some time. Then there’s Nakedssl  another way to deal with the occurrence of such naked domains. Thanks to Let’s Encrypt, Web admins can now forget about provisioning servers, generating SSL certificates, installing & managing them, etc: just a few clicks & all your SSL needs are taken care of by Nakedssl.

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security protocol for establishing encrypted links between a Web server & a browser in an Online communication. It’s usage ensures that all data transmitted between the server & browser remains encrypted.

While using Nakedssl,  rather than display the “no secure connection page” because of your naked domain, your user’s browser will instead be redirected to a secure page. Nakedssl integrates well with most, ‘Platform as a Service’ (PaaS) providers such as Hasura, Netlify, Heroku & Google App Engine. The Platform’s boast is that nobody will even notice the re-direct. It assures that it does not collect data of the users.

The full URL is kept in the exact same way that it initially is, & as a result, the Website won’t rank any lower in terms of SEO. This is because search engines will not detect the re-direct.

The platform has servers located in Europe & in the United States. Users can choose from the 2 depending on where most of their traffic comes from. There are various paid packages that one can select depending on their usage. However, Nakedssl also provides a single domain free of charge as a trial.

The platform is a product of okay bueno GMBH which is a German-based company.

– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review –
Image Credit: Nakedssl

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