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Thai cell co customer database records leak – News

Thailand’s mobile network operator Advanced Info Service (AIS) has managed to secure the database of around 39 million customers after it was brought to its attention that the information had started to “leak”. This database was 1st observed as exposed & publicly accessible on May 1, 2020. The hole was discovered by a expert on May 7, 2020.

This database seemed to be controlled by Advanced Wireless Network, a subsidiary of AIS. It contained a combination of DNS query logs & NetFlow logs for what appears to be AWN customers.

A massive database of 8 billion Thai internet records leaks – TechCrunch

Thailand’s largest cell network AIS has pulled a database offline that was spilling over billions of real-time internet records on millions of Thai internet users. Security researcher Justin Paine said in a blog post that he found the database, containing DNS queries and Netflow data, on the internet without a password.

Link: A massive database of 8 billion Thai internet records leaks

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