Mobile · 2016-05-27

Use an ordinary Webcam to find out what your visitors are seeing on your Site

File:Eye'm.JPGThis 1 is rather unique. So do you wanna know how a visitor to your Website is interacting with it? Which part of the Web Page is his/her eyes on? Without spending any extra money on any equipment or software, ‘WebGazer.js’,an eye tracking library, does just that. It uses everyday Webcams to understand the eye-gaze locations of visitors on a Web page, that too, in real time.

Written in JavaScript, it can be easily integrated into any Website. It tracks a visitor’s gaze through the browser, but only after he/she has given permission to use their Webcam. The eye tracking model self-calibrates Web visitor’s interactions with a Web page. It has a tracker module & a regression module, which help in controlling detection of the eye, & in extracting “eye patches” in the webcam.

WebGazer.js uses standard Webcams, hence it doesn’t require any special hardware to run it. If you own a Website, you can easily integrate the app using a few JavaScript code lines. The app helps Website owners improve the user experience of their visitors.

The open source WebGaze.js also has a multiple gaze prediction model which helps in the users real time eye gaze locations while on the page. Because it runs on the client’s browser, no video data is sent to a server.

The tool is free to download & has been developed by a team of 3 – a Ph.D student in Computer Science at Brown University, USA, A. Popoutsaki, undergraduate at Brown University J. Laskey, & Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the same university J. Huang. The team has claimed on its Website that WebGaze.js will automatically save the data it collects between sessions on to a local storage. You can also pause & resume the data collection& predictions by this app. This will help in saving data use.

To install this file, your browser must be supported by getUserMedia/StreamAPI. The following browsers support getUserMedia/StreamAPI; Google Chrome 47+, Microsoft Edge 13+, Mozilla Firefox 44+, & Opera 36+.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. – 
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