Web · 2017-01-31

Use the ‘EmailThis’ bookmarklet to email formatted Web pages

As often happens, you’ve just found an interesting article but you don’t have the time to read it right now. Instead, you can use ‘EmailThis’ to remove ads & distractions from the page & it’ll email you a nicely formatted version that you can read at your leisure. Since what you’re getting are email messages, you can use your favorite email client or browser to read them on any desktop or mobile device.

To get started, go the EmailThis product page & drag & drop the bookmarklet into your browser’s bookmark bar. It will work on any desktop OS browser as well as on iOS & Android.

When you see something you like on a Web page, just click on the EmailThis bookmark, & the bookmarklet will do it’s thing & get rid of the Web page’s clutter & then email you a beautifully formatted article.

So, this way, you can read the article whenever you want, be it when you’re working out on a treadmill, on the subway, or during breaks at work. Since they’re email messages, you can even make it so you can read them while you’re offline.

As is stated on the EmailThis Website, their bookmarket & associated service is meant to be:

…a simpler alternative to tools like Pocket, Instapaper, Evernote Web Clipper & Readability… In order to use these tools, you need to install their apps on all your devices or you need to login to their web app to access your saved links/bookmarks. If you use multiple devices (a phone + a tablet + a PC/Laptop), then you need to install the app in each and every one of them.

The approach of EmailThis is much simpler: it will send an email with your bookmarked pages & then get out of the way. Since email clients come built-in with most devices, you don’t have to install any apps.

EmailThis is a project of New Delhi, India-based UI designer & full-stack developer Bharani Muthukumaraswamy. It’s totally free, open source & hosted on GitHub. It’s built using the Elixir functional language & the Phoenix Web framework & is hosted using Dokku on AWS.


- This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review - 


Image Credit: EmailThis 



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