Mobile · 2015-03-26

Twitter launches ‘live’ video streaming app Periscope

Twitter today launched the Periscope app, it’s new ‘live’ video streaming app for iOS. Twitter had acquired Periscope in January this year.

Periscope lets you broadcast ‘live’ video to the world. Sounds like Meerkat? Coincidence, maybe? When you go ‘live’, all your followers will be immediately notified, & they can then decide whether to join your feed or not. They can also leave behind comments, & send you ‘hearts'(gifs) in real time. The more hearts you get, the higher they flutter on the screen.

Other features:

Replay: When your broadcast is over, you can make it available for replay so viewers can watch later. Viewers can replay your broadcast with comments & hearts to relive the full experience. Replays currently last 24 hours. You can delete your replay at any time.

Private: If you want to broadcast to specific people, press the lock icon before going live & choose who you want to invite to your broadcast.

Twitter: You can choose to share your Periscope broadcasts on Twitter by tapping the bird icon before you start broadcasting. When you go live, you’ll tweet a link so that your Twitter followers can watch on the web (or in the app)

Manage Notifications: Periscope will suggest people for you to follow based on your Twitter network. You can always follow new people, or unfollow them if you don’t want to be notified when they go ‘live’. You can also adjust notification preferences in Periscope Settings (in Profile)

You may click here to download Periscope on your iOS device.

Image Credit: Periscope/iTunes



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