Web · 2015-10-12

This Website has loads of free stuff – #Startup

How would it be if you could go to a Website to download free stuff? Free icons, themes, or some other resources.

freebiesjediFreebiesjedi is just that. It is a curated collection of icons, fonts, themes, PSD file, HTML templates, & other design resources from around the Web. There are various such freebies available every month on Freebiesjedi. So, for example, there’s a 100 free vector icons for your next Web or app UI design project. You can use any of these for free personal or commercial purposes, share it  or to modify it.

Similar projects are listed every month on this Indonesia-based startup. For earlier freebies, you can go to the archives to have a look. For those of you who wanna upload your free icons, etc, on this Website, you can do that, too.

 – This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –

Image Credit: Freebiesjedi




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