Web · 2015-03-23

This search engine dishes out “facts” – #Startup

Facts engine, anyone? That’s what Factbrowser is all about. This 1 dishes out “facts”. Factbrowser is called a “Research Discovery Engine”, where you get information related to companies, topics, consumers, regions & much more.

So where does the Content on Factbrowser come from? As announced on its Website, this facts discovery engine aggregates its Content from 100s of research analyst & market research firms, Content publishers, government institutions, academics, among others.  Insights are gleaned from all these sources & more.

Every item posted to the Site is selected, edited, & posted by a Factbrowser Content editor. The process ensures that the Content is relevant, & of course, safeguards against spam.

Factbrowser saves users a lot of hours that would have otherwise be spent in Online search, filling out forms, & wading through dense materials before finding the information you actually require. Factbrowser can also be dubbed a  “discovery engine”, where one can get facts, stats, reports, surveys, & studies on business & technology.

Says Recognizer LLC, the Massachusetts, USA-located firm that runs this search engine: We’re focused on making you smarter faster with a filterable database of thousands of insights and hand-picked source materials that’s growing every day. We’re building Factbrowser to save marketers, analysts, consultants, journalists, and the intellectually curious time and money and help them make better decisions.

1 crucial question that comes to mind is – Is the data on Factbrowser accurate? That question too has been answered on the Site: Factbrowser makes an effort to clearly and accurately represent the original sources’ meaning and intent, but we make no claims or representation of the accuracy, completeness, or truth of those third party sources’ content

There are other ways to redress errors or dubious entries. Readers are encouraged to email the admin of the Site in case they spot any mistakes. In fact, users are also encouraged to suggest a topic or even a source of information to Factbrower.

Image Credit: Factbrowser



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