Mobile · 2015-06-08

This app triggers off the news you would want to read first – New app

Content explosion Online is nothing new. There’s an overload of things to read & there’s just not enough time to go through the whole stuff.

The same applies for news. World news, local news, niche news….all kinds of news. So what do you read 1st & what do you throw away? There’s now an app called Trigger that claims to be able to help you decide. In fact, these guys say they will get you the news “43 minutes before it starts trending Online.” Why 43 minutes? Here’s the explanation on the Trigger Website We’ve calculated that Trigger brings you the news almost an hour before other aggregators, without sacrificing relevance.

Not only does this new app help you get the relevant news 1st, it also allows you to start a conversation with friends by sharing some of the news. You can send a news story to a friend & tell him –  “Have you read this yet?”

Essentially, Trigger helps users cut through all the clutter so far as Online Content is concerned by hand-picking the best news sources. For this, it used a “social momentum” curation algorithm so readers get the right stuff to read. Browsing through the Content is easy with its intuitive interface.

Founded by James Shen, Jimi Wen, & Yiting Lin, Trigger is a social app from Taiwan & is a free to use app, right now only for iOS devices. An Android version is slated for later this year.

Trigger aggregates Content from media outlets & Sites like Reddit & then lets people upvote articles & comments anonymously. Users can even connect & chat with 1 another anonymously as well. Team Trigger does not want their creation to be just another news app, hence the addition of the chat feature.

After starting their team in Taipei, these guys created a Beta version for mobile devices, which they’ve been testing out in Silicon Valley.

Many of Trigger’s users are reported to be based in the US, but there are plans to also include Taiwan news.

Click here to download Trigger on your iOS device.

Image Credit: Trigger





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