Web · 2015-05-28

Hey look, there’s a whiteboard in my browser – #Startup

Till now, whiteboards were found inside rooms or on apps. Now, some bright spark has gone & done the unthinkable – developed a browser-based whiteboard.


Called A Web Whiteboard (what else), there’s no download or any installation required. All you need is to register & subscribe to one of the available plans that includes a free one. Open it in you browser, invite members of your team by sending them a link, & proceed to draw or write whatever you want from your computer keyboard & mouse.

A Web Whiteboard can be a handy tool for almost all professionals like teachers, marketing executives, doctors, & even students. Whether you’re collaborating, teaching, learning or just playing around, this could prove to be a handy tool.

An added feature of this startup is that you can even plugin to your Website. It works on almost all devices besides PCs, including Tablets.


Image Credit: A Web Whiteboard




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