Internet related News · 2018-01-31

Hey, Alexa, send my SMS – News

This is big news for Amazon Echo users.

Amazon said today it’s launching a messaging feature for Alexa devices in the US that will allow users to send texts – yes, SMS messages using voice commands.

For now, the feature is available to US customers, & only those using Android phones.

To get started, you’ll need to follow the instructions that appear via a pop-up in the Alexa app on Android. In the Conversations tab of that app, you’ll need to select “Contacts,” then “My Profile,” then enabled the “Send SMS” feature to on.

You can then specify if you want to send a “text message,” or you can ask Alexa to send a “message,” which will be routed to Alexa devices 1st, which will then be converted to SMS if Alexa devices are not available.

Image Credit: Amazon


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