Web · 2015-04-25

Fine yourself a dollar a day for your Facebook addiction – #Startup

Wonder how social network Facebook’s gonna react to this software? Called Timewaste Timer, this one helps you tackle your “Facebook addiction”.

What’s more that you can even fine yourself US $1 daily for this.

How it works:

  • You download and install our browser add-on to track your Facebook usage (now available for Google Chrome only)
  • You put $20 on your Timewasting Deposit Account
  • Each time you use Facebook more than 1 hour per day, Timewaste Timer will deduct $1 from your Timewasting Deposit Account
  • If it doesn’t help, you might pay another $20 or just run away

So what will Timewaste Timer do with the money? The company behind it, Pretty Mind Inc, Ltd., will use your money to help more people to fight information overload & digital distractions.

Image Credit: Timewaste Timer



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