Artificial Intelligence · 2018-05-03

Facebook announces ‘PyTorch 1.0’, next version of open source AI framework

artificlal intelligence

Facebook has introduced PyTorch 1.0, which it touts as the “next-gen” version of its open source Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform. What makes it different, said the company on its blog, is that this will help “accelerate & optimize” an otherwise long & arduous journey (riddled with multi-steps), from research to production in AI.

PyTorch 1.0 takes the modular, production-oriented capabilities from Caffe2 & ONNX, & combines them with PyTorch’s existing flexible, research-focused design to provide a fast, seamless path from research prototyping to production deployment for a broad range of AI projects. With PyTorch 1.0, AI developers can both experiment rapidly & optimize performance through a hybrid front end that seamlessly transitions between imperative & declarative execution modes. The technology in PyTorch 1.0 has already powered many Facebook products and services at scale, including performing 6 billion text translations per day, said the blog post.

PyTorch 1.0 will be available in beta within the next few months. It will include a family of tools, libraries, pre-trained models, & datasets for each stage of development, enabling the community to quickly create & deploy new AI innovations at scale.

Image Credit: Facebook


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