Web · 2015-02-16

Check browser versions in one go

Browser settings always leaves us fuming. Especially if you run an agency that is into Web design or some such. Each browser renders the design slightly differently, making “uneducated” clients wonder whether you know your job. You get real tired trying to explain to your customers how to check their browser version or if they have JavaScript enabled?

There’s a startup now callled yourbrowser.is which claims to get rid of this painpoint.

Here’s how it works:

*1st register & set up your own checker page. Eg: http://someagency.yourbrowser.is/

*Create a link for your customer – manually or using our generator, example: http://someagency.yourbrowser.is/?company=My+Best+Client&person=John+Doe

*Email the link to your customer & ask him to click it

*Instantly receive an email with a full report on your customer’s browser

This new startup detects: browser make & version (including mobile browsers), operating system & version, mobile device
screen resolution and viewport (browser window) size, color depth, JavaScript availability, Flash availability & version,    Cookies availability, user’s IP address, user’s geo-location address, social Websites status (if user is logged in to Facebook, Google+ and Google).

yourbrowser.is is free to use.

Image Credit: yourbrowser.is

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