Mobile · 2015-11-06

An alternative to traditional SMS – Mobile In-app Messenger – New app


Tired of paying for SMS? You can now ditch that because there’s a smart Application to Person (A2P) messenger delivering the same at just a fraction of the cost of SMS. Transferring over 5000 messages per day (under the free plan) & even more is easy for MeOnCloud, a mobile in-app messenger, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers.

If you’re a consumer who has downloaded this app (available on Android as well as iOS) on your phone, you have complete control of your viewing experience & how you conduct transactions. If you are a business, you take advantage of its bulk messaging application platform catering to Enterprise instant messaging needs. You can embed buttons in messages, like, ‘pay’ or ‘contact me’. These buttons can be pre-programmed to kickstart desired transactions at the back-end.

Your communication can be all the richer with MeOnCloud allowing you to embed images & video links into your messages, giving more flexibility to the communicating organization to get across to the recipient in an effectual manner. This feature can be used for the distribution of coupons, promotional and marketing information. You can thus use the app for lead generation, payment processing & customer support.

Developed by Ashok Anand of the Singapore-based Appiyo Technologies Pvt Lte, MeOncloud lets you send messages, manage groups, define message templates, all through the use of its versatile APIs. Despite other messaging apps available, MeOnCloud developers claim it is the bi-directional structured messaging possibility which is its USP. Also, there’s no limit to message sizes & you get to send rich text messages (the bells & whistles do impress customers). However, the app allows communication with the consumer only when the consumer “subscribes” to the organization he or she wants to receive messages from.

Click here to download MeOnCloud on your Android device.

Click here to download MeOnCloud on your iOS device.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. –
Image Credit: Appiyo Technologies Lte



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